If you are thinking of
Bush and Mountain flying in South Africa it would be wise to enrol for a course of instruction.
Here are some of the factors that you need to consider:
Bush Flying:
- Short, soft, rough and unimproved field take-off and landing
- Know the aircraft
- Optimum flap setting
- Maximum power for take-off
- Stabilized approach
- Braking
- Ground effect
- Very short landings
- Optimum speed at touch down
- Retracting flaps at touch down
- Taxying
- Unimproved surfaces
- Tailwheel/Nosewheel techniques
- Tying down
- Short field take-off
- Short field take-off with obstacle
- Short soft field take-off with obstacle
- Short rough field take-off
- Crosswind take-off
- Short field landing
- Short field spot landing
- Short soft field landing
- Landing over an obstacle
Mountain Flying
- Winds
- Rotors
- Mountain waves
- Orographic cloud
- Mountain breeze
- Valley breeze
- Fohn effect
- Katabatic wind
- Anabatic wind